The Torah portion this week describes the story of Yitzchak and Rivka. For many years they did not have children. They davened to Hashem and Rivka became pregnant.
When Rivka would walk down the street, every time she passed by a shul, she felt kicking, and every time she passed places of idol worship, she felt more kicking.
What was going on?
She went to the son of Noach, Shem, who was still alive and asked him what it could be.
He told her that inside of her were two babies that would start two nations.
When the babies came out The first one was covered with red hair and had rosy skin, his name was Esav.
The second baby was holding on to the others heel, his name was Yakov which means heel.
When they got older there was a big difference between them.
Esav like to hunt animals and hurt people. Yakov liked learning Torah and being kind to people.
We practiced being like Yakov in our classroom and listening to our "Yakov voice"- our yetzer tov!
Trying to cover Yakov with mitzvah stickers!listening to our Yakov voice and helping our friends clean up the mess.
When Yakov and Eisav were 15, their grandfather Avraham passed away.
To comfort Yitzchak their father, Yakov made a lentil soup for him. Esav really wanted it when he came home for hunting, Yakov agreed to give it to him in exchange for the special things that Esav would get for being a firstborn. Esav agreed to give it to him, and he gobbled up the soup.
Making our own lentil soup in class.
Enjoying the soup for lunch,
Batya told us "it knocked her off her feet!"
When Yitzchak got older, Hashem made him become blind. Hashem knew that if Yitzchak saw the bad things Esav would do it would make him sad. Yitzchak didn't realize that Esav had sold his birthright to Yakov and wanted to bless him.
Playing a game that helped us understand how blind people see. - With their hands!
Rivka prepared food for Yakov to take to Yitzchak and dressed him in special clothes that made him feel like Esav, very hairy.
When Yitzchak felt him, he said, "The voice is the voice of Yakov, but the hands are the hands of Esav"
And yakov received the special brachot.
Creating Yakov and Esav stress balls. Everyone, even Esav is able to be full of mitzvos but Esav didn't listen to his Yetzer Tov, so his mitzvos were hidden.
Yakov mitzvos were clear to see!
Yakov and Esav were opposites. Playing an opposite game
Strengthening our fine motor skills by poking out the letters of our Hebrew name!
Practicing letter recognition on recyclable materials.
Rosh Chodesh Kislev Farbrengen with Rabbi Lang.
Saying Pesukim!
Getting out to the field and getting busy!
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