Thursday, January 28, 2021

Babies and Tu B'shvat

Tu B'shvat 

The big idea for the holiday of Tu B'shvat this year, was how we are just like a tree. 
We all start out as small babies, chana holding a baby doll demonstrating how we care for a small baby. 
Menucha, looking at her baby picture and noticing the difference in the mirror. 
We are all growing big and strong. We need to take care of ourselves physically and we need the Torah to keep us strong too!

Our Tu B'shvat bulletin board had little seeds on the botton with baby pictures of our friends coming out of them. Out of the blossoms on the tree we placed what they look like now. This was a fun visual to show how we are like a tree and all start like small seeds and continue to grow.

We love when our friends are part of the process of any art displayed in our classroom. 
The trunk and branches were our friends feet walking in paint. The leaves were their handprints!

Learning about the 7 fruits of Eretz Yisroel. Counting out seven with our fingers and discussing each special fruit.

Ben, discovering a pomegranate up close.

Using our fine motor skills by making leaf necklaces. Menucha, using her strength to making holes in banana leaves and Menachem concentrating on getting the string in the hole.

Fruit picking in our classroom. Laminated, velcro fruit invited friends to learn what fruits come from which trees.

Bringing the outdoors in is always a great way to explore Hashem's nature. Painting big branches and mixing colors.

Creating 3d structures using grapes and tooth pics! Some made trees out of pretzels and grapes.         


Tu B'shvat party and a goodbye party for Menucha.

We tasted delicious fruits and a fun tree cupcake treat in honor of Tu B'shvat. We will miss Menucha so much and there was no other way to celebrate her last day than by music and song! Menucha, loves singing and dancing and is always reminding us to be happy!

We made a special Shehachaynu blessing on a new fruit. Menucha, having fun with olives.

Enjoying delicious tree cup cakes.

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