Friday, March 5, 2021

Lotsa Matzah!


We jumped right into Pesach preparation this week! 
We began by reviewing the story of Pesach 
The Jewish people were forced to work as slaves for Paroh, building under the hot sun. 
We created our own interpretaions of these buildings with some mixed media art.
His star-gazers looked up at the skies and saw that a boy would be born that would take the Jewish people out of Mitzrayim.

Melting some "hail" and feeling the contrast between cold ice and warm water.
playing a fun bingo game to review the plagues!

When they left Mitzrayim in a hurry, they carried bread on their backs, this bread didn't have time to rise and so it baked flat, that's why we eat matzah on Pesach!
We first learned the process of how matzah is made!
Shmurah matzah is watched from the time the wheat is picked!
After the flour and water is mixed, the bakers only have 18 minutes until the dough is considered chametz. So they have to mix fast!

Making holes in it also helps to keep it flat,
Bringing it to the oven to bake. 

Everyone was eager to try our "matzah" that we baked in under 18 minutes, but many didn't really like the taste.

The matzah bakery in our class was a real hit!

On Pesach we don't eat Chametz, anything that is made from grains that can rise. What does that mean?
We conducted an experiment. in one bottle we put just water, the other had flour and water, after about 25 minutes when we checked back, the one with flour and water had blown up the balloon!
Flour and water create a gas that makes grains rise and puff up.

Sorting chametz from non-chametz
Enjoying some delicious "matzah ball soup chametz" on a cold and rainy day!

Writing our names with playdough

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