Thursday, April 29, 2021

A friendly week in honor of Lag B'omer

Lag b'omer week two
This week we learned about Rabbi Akiva's favorite Mitzvah: Ahavas Yisroel. (loving our fellow Jew)
It is actually the most important Mitzvah in the Torah and we are told that everything else is considered commentary. 
Our entire year of curriculum is filled with social skills and team work but this week we over emphasized it, in the spirit of Lag Baomer.  

Menachem and Leah acting out with puppets how we can care for eachother.

Our centers were intentionally set up with having team work in mind.
Shua and Yakov, learning how to mix colors by holding each others hand.
We had no chairs to encourage movement and spatial awareness.

Clean up time is a great time to learn about team work and caring for our friends. Menachem, communicating with his friends that some needed dry paper towels.

Yakov, making sure there was enough play dough for all his friends.
Not having the exact amount of the same toys invited the children to take turns and tell their friends with words how many minutes they needed.

Drawing art can be very personal and require their own space. 
Having a big box to draw on helped us have those conversations since the boundaries of their own paper wasn't present.

Singing a lot of friends songs this week.

Drawing each others faces :)

Heart experiments using baking soda and red vinegar.

To help see a visual and get one on one attention for their sweet friendship moments we wrote on puzzle pieces of some of the special events that took place.

Some of our friends have siblings in the older class, was sweet to watch how they can care for them too!


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