Thursday, June 3, 2021

Sparkling teeth at Gan

Dental health week
It is a Mitzvah to take care of the body Hashem gave us. This week, we zoomed in on our teeth and learned how to take care of them.

Brushing teeth with shaving cream toothpaste.

Learning which foods are good for our teeth and which are not. It was quite tricky since the treats tooth was yellow and had a sad face on it. Some of our friends asked us "but I like candy" This was a great discussion on sometimes what we like is not always good for us. "We can just have a little," was the response and they were on target! We emphasized how its okay to have sweets occasionally but to know what is really good for us.

Ben, " I like broccoli" 

Teeth brushing at circle time! After a funny show by the Morah's, on how to properly brush, it was time for each friend to show us their techniques and faces that go with it! 

It is okay to sometimes have sweets and treats but we learned it's so important to brush our teeth after.
Shua, brushing off blue candy :)

Making a mouth out of apples peanut butter and some marshmallows as the teeth! Mendy, counting the 'teeth'.

Some of our friends had sweets in their lunchbox, right after snack time got their toothbrush and cleaned , to get their teeth sparkling again. A mirror helped our friends notice the motion they were doing and how to get the tricky spots in the back.

Playdough stuck in ice trays and block toys was a fun way to learn how to floss out plaque that gets stuck in between our teeth.

Menachem, counting teeth.

Practicing our cutting skills while creating the brussels on a toothbrush.

 Morah Shira went to the dentist this week and we looked at all the pictures of what happens at a dentist visit.

On Friday we had a real dentist come visit us ! Pictures to follow next week.

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