Thursday, October 14, 2021


After last weeks story of Noach and the Teiva, we chose to delve a little deeper, exploring Hashem’s amazing animals!
Math & Movement
Children learn most when they use their entire body, so this animal jumping center was a great way for the children to develop an understanding of distance, along with discovering something new about different animals.

Each Animal picture was labelled with the distance it can jump! We took turns inviting the children to try jumping the distance of each Animal. It was fascinating for them to see the difference between 10 inches and 10 feet!

Animal Inspired Art

Using picture prints of different animals, we invited the children to experiment making artwork patterns similar to that of cheetas/giraffes/zebras! Hashem is the most amazing artist!

Real Animals Visit our Classroom

Thank you to Adam's Mom Morgan, and to Morah Rachel, for sharing your chickens and your cat! It was a highlight of our week to see and touch these amazing creations of Hashem.

                                                     We learned how the Cat is cared for!

Chickies Floofy and fluffy join our circle😄🐔🐓

What makes an animal Kosher?
We spoke about the signs on an animal that make it Kosher. Split Hooves and Chew its cud are the signs animals need.

Fish need fins and scales to be Kosher!

While talking about kosher, we made placements to help us remember not to mix milk and meat!

Alef Beis Enrichment
We introduced the letter Daled! We made our bodies into the shape of a Daled.


                                                                  Animal Playdough

Animal imagination!

                                                                  Animal Footprints!

Happy 3rd Birthday Mendy Conboy! We are excited to celebrate your haircutting this Sunday! Keep bringing light and smiles to all who know you!

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