Thursday, December 16, 2021

A new sound in our class!

You could feel the excitement in the air this week with a new Nikuda - vowel being introduced!
Esther, came in her Shabbos dress for the occasion. It has been so special to watch how the children naturally feel the holiness each letter and vowel contain. 

To help our friends remember the sound we introduce it with a show and a hands on experience.
The vowel tzerei with dots look like the wheels of a bike. Each friend got to wear a letter on the tzerei bike and make the sound!

At our introduction party our friends made any letter they wanted with a tzerie.

Practicing at our center time.

Reviewing some letters we get mixed up with.

This weeks parsha is Vayechi we learned about the end of Yakov's life and how he blessed his grandsons Menashe and Ephrayim. Menashe being older, Yosef put under Yakov's right hand. However, Yakov as a Tzaddik can see the future and saw Epharyim will have a very special descendent, Yehoshua who will take the Jewish people into Eretz Yisroel so he switched his hands!

We took this oppotunity to learn more about our right and left directions.

Crossing our midline and crossing our arms is actually vital to a child's development . It promotes the coordination and communication of the left and right hemispheres of the brain. It also encourages bilateral coordination, the process of developing a dominant hand and development of fine motors kills.
With the Parsha talking about crossing our arms and the pretzel breathing we have been doing a lot of brain exercises!

Life skills and being responsible. 
We noticed a lot of our markers being dried up. Our main goal this year, is to take the time to break down expectations and learning the skills we need for everyday life. 
As a class we went through the markers and came up with helpful tips how to keep them in working condition.
To help us remember we placed pictures of these expectations on our marker box.

The creativity flowing ;) And Mina tasting the rain!

Esther collecting Tzedakah and leading our rally for her Bubby and Zaidy Simons Yartzeit.

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