Friday, March 25, 2022

Working hard but we have a choice!

After putting away and reflecting on how our Purim was, it was now time to start our Pesach unit!
Before we started we did a KWL chart - learning what knowledge they already have on the Holiday. 
We also created a Venn diagram to see how Pesach is different than what is most familiar with them which is Shabbos.

We started off our week talking about construction and how it was very different when the Pesach story started in Mitzrayim.
Learning the names of different trucks.

The Jewish people in Mitzrayim were experiencing the bracha that was given to Avraham Aveinu that his children will be as many as the stars and the sand! The mommies were pregnant with six babies at once! 
Our friends, testing that out what that might have felt like it was quite the juggle.

King Paroh got intimidated and wanted to stop the Jewish nation from growing so he made them work! At first for money and eventually as slaves.
Without trucks it took a lot of time and patience. 
Making our own bricks using wet sand. After it collapsed our friends are used to hearing kind words like "Oops lets try again". King Paroh and his workers did not sound like that!
 This week we kept talking about how we can work really hard but thank you Hashem for our freedom of choices.

The Jewish people made storage houses. But for some fun building skills we talked about how there is also pyramids in Mitzrayim. It took some math skill to create a big pyramid.

There has been a lot of construction in the back of our school and this was a great way to exsperience hands on the difference.

Sholom trying to life a heavy rock similar to what the Jews had to do. Shmuel naturally jumped in to help him!

The Jewish families were still growing so the King made a rule they need to make their own bricks which took more time.
We experimented with cement this week creating our own molds and learning the process of it. We couldn't even imagine making a whole building and having mean Mitzrayim talking to us!

We continued learning about how Moshe was born during a time when it was quite dangerous for baby boys to come into the world. Esther acted out Yocheved and created a basket for her baby with clay on the inside and tar on the outside. She was quite sad to have to let him go.

Chana Rochel, who played Miraim his sister hid and watched her baby brother.

Batya who was super excited to get to this part played the special princess Batya who named and saved Moshe!

Yocheved was excited to learn that she could nurse moshe till he was two before he would  be sent back to the palace.

Menachem played Moshe when it was time to go to the palace.

Yanky, the king enjoyed Moshe but when he took off his crown there were some nerves, maybe he was the one they were nervous about that would take the Jews out of Mitzrayim.

They tested Moshe to see. He was about to smartly reach for the gems but a Malach pushed his hand to touch the hot coals which caused him to have a lisp for the rest of his life.

We have started working really hard on our Hagaddahs. Handwriting practice and directions of the Hebrew vs the English language. 


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