Thursday, September 8, 2022

A baby's cry and the Shofar

Rosh Hashanah Unit
This week we started laying the foundation for the High Holiday of Rosh Hashanah. 
Hashem's love to us is like a parent with an only child. To understand this concept we started off by talking about the love our parents have for us!

We displayed baby pictures of each of our friends. Leah feeling so big looking at the difference between then and now. 
Using baby dolls and role playing how a baby is cared for with every cry being a way to communicate.

Our friends were invited to draw how big they are now. Leah said she can walk and run now since she's so big. Mordy, who has been very into colors, wanted to make himself big and brown.

Nechama, showing how to take care of babies in the bath.

Mendy, had fun feeding his baby. During these different baby centers we would take the opportunity to talk about how much a parent cares for their child. 

We even gave some babies haircuts while practicing our fine motor skills!

Our friends were really intrigued with how babies need their food small and mushed since they start off with no teeth. Leah and Mendy got really excited to share that our bearded dragon also has no teeth and he needs his carrots cut up. 

Mordy, coloring clothes for the babies. 

Having some fun watching the small foot prints the baby dolls were making.

We all felt so big after talking about babies! There are so many job opportunities for the children during the day and they feel so big and responsible while doing them. This was also a great time to discuss even though we are so big and our parents don't have to spoon feed us or we don't need to cry to talk they love us SO very much all the time.

Listening to our parents love videos they sent us! The smile says it all!

By the end of the week it was time to make the connection to Rosh Hashanah.  
We listened to an audio of a baby cry and a Shofar blow and it sounded so similar!
When we blow the Shofar we are talking to Hashem and He is listening to everything we will be davening for this coming New Year just like a loving parent.


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