Friday, November 18, 2022

Fire safety, Hey Shakey

 This week we learned the letter Hey! Building on what we learned of the Daled shape (That the top of it is compared to our thoughts, the body of daled are our words. The Yud represents our actions. That's why we call it hey! We use our Hands to bring our thought and words to actions. That is the way we encounter the world. We DO Mitzvot! We practiced this week saying hey✋ with our hands to all our friends coming into school in the morning :) 

This tied in perfectly with the Torah portion this week. The part we focused on in Parshat Chayei Sara was the story of Avraham finding a wife for His son Yitzchok. He sent his servant Eliezer to find a girl who is kind! Eliezer went on the search with 10 camels. As he entered the city he asked Hashem to show a sign of who would be the right girl. He said if there will be a girl who will offer water to me after travelling, then it would be a sign she is a kind and caring person.  A girl named Rivkah appeared and offered water to him AND to his camels. This was the sign that she was the right girl to marry Yitzchak. The water actually rose up to her and she didn't have to bend down! This was another sign that Hashem is with her, and she must be a special person. 

Our breathing this week included rising waters like the well, where we lifted our hands up and then brought them down with a wooosh sound. The next breathing was the shape of the rounded back of the camel, gently going up and down with our hands as well.

Hand painting to represent the Hey

Through drawing our own cars we learned how it took Eliezer only 1 day to travel instead of 17! we were very fascinated by that idea and experienced walking like a snail and then running super fast :) back then they had donkeys and horses traveling with them, nowadays we have cars!  

Aleph Bet match it.
We put out blue tissue paper to represent the well full of water, our friends searched in it looking for water drops with letters on them. They were invited to match the drop of water letter to the letters on the thirsty camels! 

Building the letters using colored sticks

Enjoying the winds and fall leaves outside!

This week we had a practice fire drill. We also focused on fire safety rules in general. There were a lot of good and curious questions! Morah told the story about the boy who cried wolf. He pretended there was a fire a few times in the forest crying out "fire, fire!" the village people came every time until they realized he was pretending. Then when it happened to be a real fire nobody came to help because they thought he was still pretending! 
This story taught us how to be responsible and safe when it comes to emergencies. We can always asks adults if you smell smoke or see something strange. 

We traced the numbers 911 on a pretend phone, to help us learn the number to call in an emergency! 

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