Thursday, December 8, 2022

Beit Hamidash- Hashem's Home

 After talking about what we love in our own home's last week, we spent the first few days of this week creating a mini "Beis Hamikdash" (Temple) that looks just like "Hashem's Home" that stood in Jerusalem during the time of the Chanuka Story! It is an interactive life size dramatic play center!

Painting the bricks on a mural to be the backdrop of our Beis Hamikdash Center!

Kiyor- Wash Basin

One of the features of the Beis Hamidash was the "Kiyor" that the Kohanim (priests who work in the Beis Hamikdash) would wash their hands and feet with, in preparation for doing their jobs,

The children enjoyed dispensing water, pretending to be "kohanim."


Did you know that there was a Menorah with 6 branches that was lit every day in the Beis Hamidash? It was the Kohen's job to make sure there was pure olive oil to light it! We looked at olive branches with black olives on them to learn more about where the olives come from .

Leah was excited to discover black olives in her lunch! Just like the ones on the branches in our classroom!

The children are so excited with our mini Beis Hamikdash center, we decided to daven inside it! 
The children were dancing with joy as they recited the tzitzis blessing!

We introduced the children to the special uniform of the Kohen & Kohen Gadol. They had fun dressing up, and acting out their jobs in the Beis Hamikdash.

The "Leviim" (Levites) would play music!
 Our very own Levi led the way! 

Music time with Morah Malka

Art with Clay

forming clay balls to create our very own Menorah's to light for Chanukah this year! Rolling the clay into balls takes time and skill!

We are all so excited to dig with our new shovels!

Working together with "savlanut" (patience) to set the table, 
and get ready for our Shabbat Party (last friday!)

𝅘𝅥𝅱𝅘𝅥𝅱"The Shabbat angels are peeking through the window..."𝅘𝅥𝅱𝅘𝅥𝅯

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