Thursday, December 15, 2022

Chanukah Story & the Miracle of the oil!

To help the children learn the story of Chanuka we turned a table into a cave and climbed inside with our Torahs!


We davened in our cave, and when we were warned that King Antiochus soldiers were coming we stopped davening and spinned our dreidels.

The story continued with our whole school joining together in our Mini Beis Hamikdash!
We watched Morah Leah use a puppet to show King Antiochus breaking all the oils and ruining the beautiful Beis Hamikdash. We all helped to clean up the mess that he made, and search for a pure oil so we can light the Menorah.

Hashem made 2 big miracles! The first Miracle was that the small group of Maccabees won over the big Greek Army, and took back the Beis Hamikdash. The second miracle was that there was only enough oil to burn for one day, but Hashem made a miracle and the oil burned for 8 days! 
(That was how long it would take to make more olive oil.)

Because of this miracle, we celebrate Chanuka by lighting the Menorah for 8 days! 

We worked hard making our very own Menorah's!

Lots of work and attention to detail painting our clay menorahs!

Coloring our Macabee shields!

 Learning shapes through the Chanuka story

Using rectangles, triangles, circles and squares 
we created Dreidels, latkas in pans, and a Menorah!

Yud Tes Kislev- Rosh Hashana for Chassidut!

We celebrated with a school wide hot lunch, with delicious vegetable soup and Pizza! Rabbi Lang told an animated story of a King whose son was very sick! Ask your child to tell you the story!

Family fun at Gan!

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