Friday, January 13, 2023

Inside Outside strength

This weeks Torah portion is "Shemos". It speaks about the time in Mitzrayim when King Pharaoh made the decree to throw all the baby boys in the Nile River. The star gazers told him there will be a Jewish boy who will free all of them from Mitzrayim and under the hands of Pharaoh. Moshe was born in this time, and they knew he was very special because Hashem made him have rase of lights coming from him.

  His mother Yocheved, put him in a waterproof basket that kept him safe. His sister Miriam, watched him go into the river. Princess Batya noticed him as she was taking a dip in the water and rescued him. We did a little magic trick of our hands expanding from our sleeves just as Batya's hand lengthened to reach Moshe. 

Making our own boats that float!

Continuing the story, when Moshe got older he had to flee to a place called Midian. Coming from him living in the palace of Mitzrayim he went to becoming a shepherd. 
One of his sheep escaped his pack and he went to go run after it and find him. It took him all the way to a very special experience. He was standing right in front of a burning thorn bush! The miracle was that it didn't burn the bush, but it was enveloped in fire! Hashem spoke to him through the fire and had a special mission for him. Moshe was going to free the Jewish people out of Mitzrayim! 

Some friends enjoying the rainy days :)

 Thank you Morah Leah, for the delicious soup we enjoyed on the chili days

We learned from Moshe that even though he was so humble and did not want to be the leader he knew it was what Hashem wanted him to do.
We also learned how much Moshe wanted Moshiach. We too need to yearn for Moshiach as well and to increase in  mitzvos so it brings it even closer! When we listen to the Moshe inside of us, even when we sometimes might not want to, it makes us stronger in our bodies and in our souls! 

Our class has the strongest boys and girls ;)

We read a book about a boy named Dov. He would run to do Mitzvos, and the people who he helped also wanted to do Mitzvahs. As a fun visual we created Dov on our white board. As each MItzvah  helped another person  Dov on the whiteboard got more muscles!

Aleph Beis
We traced the lamed as if it was the Nile river  

Cutting and pasting different parts of the Lamed like a puzzle.

We also learned about Mem
We created foil Mems by bending, shaping and rolling the foil. 
We related how מֹשֶה  starts with Mem! 

Aleph beis bingo

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