Friday, January 27, 2023

Tu Bshvat is coming up!

In Prek we learned about the last 3 plagues in Mitzrayim! 
 We got introduced to the idea of Gematria - how each letter represents a number.  The name of this week's Parsha is Bo, בא which equals to 3 using Gematria. The number 3 in the name of the Parsha is hinting to the last 3 makos (plagues) that we learnt about in this week's Parsha. 
Making Grasshoppers with clothes
 pins and jumping them in baskets!

Tape resist painting. The plague of darkness. 

We played an Aleph Beis freeze dance with a twist. We learned how the Darkness was so thick the Mitzriyiim actually froze! This gave the Jewish people the opportunity to enter their houses and find all the jewels the Mitzrayim stole from the Jews. Wherever the Jews were it was light and Hashem was on their side. As the lights turned off it was our time to search for the gems. We collected the letters Nun and Samach.

We focused on the upcoming Jewish Holidsay of Tu Bshvat! Tu Bshvat is the birthday of the trees. 
Why do we celebrate the trees, why not celebrate animals or the sun or moon?
People are compared to the trees. Just like I am always growing, so is a tree. It changes through the seasons, and so do people!
The fruit of our trees are our Torah and Mitzvos that we do! 
Looking at our fingerprints to also show how unique each one of us are and how every tree grows in unique ways.
Menachem F was very excited to tell us how we are compared to trees :)
We moved our bodies in the shape of seed into a grown tree

Working on our tree hats!

Leaf and tree art.

Shaping letters with seeds

Chaya Leah proud of herself matching all of the Aleph Beis letters herself!

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