Thursday, February 16, 2023

I am like Mordechai and Esther !

This week we started our Purim unit!

We aim for the children to take real life lessons from each Jewish holiday. Before getting into the Purim story we started off with getting to know the Jewish Hero's, Mordechai and Esther.

The dramatic play area turned into Mordechai and Esther's home. Even though they lived thousands of years ago, their Mitzvahs they did are timeless and what we do it! This is a powerful message that our friends are just like these special Jewish hero's.

There was a Tzedaka found in Mordechai and Esther's home showing how they also loved to give and share what they owned to others. We placed pictures of them doing Tzedaka as well to find. 

Adding sensory fun we hid Tzedakah coins in the play dough. We had fun trying to match the picture to the correct coin before placing it in the Tzedakah box!

Mordechai also learned Torah and loved teaching the children Alef Beis! Yossi practicing his Alef beis.
We placed many Jewish books in the home.

Esther also lit shabbos candles just like our girls! Wow the un broken chain of Jewish women. 

Mendy and Eli using shaving cream and fire colors to decorate the tape shabbos candles on the table. 

Shabbos was felt through out the week in our classroom since we placed Challah in our Mordechai and Esther's home. Yossi using his cutting skills to make delicious challah just like Esther. 

To make our big idea practical each child created a Mitzvah scene they like to do just like our role models from the Megillah.

Yossi, adding Alef Beis stickers to his Mitzvah picture.

During circle time, we showed our Mitzvah notes to Mordechai and Esther. Axel and Mordy, were so excited to place theirs  on Mordechai!

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