Thursday, February 23, 2023

Who's the real king?!

Our Friends are just like Mordechai and Esther! There are so many moments through out the day we can showcase how many mitzvahs they do just like them!
Taking care of our bearded dragon, giving Tzedaka, kissing the Mezuzah!

After experiencing the Jewish heroes in the Megillah it was now time to learn about the story of the miracle of Purim.
A new center was put up in the classroom, the palace of King Achashverosh.
It was defiantly more shiny and attractive but our friends knew right away where Mordechai and Esther would feel more comfortable.

During snack time we ate in the palace to hear the Kings personality during a feast he invited everyone too. Yossi, helped us hold the King puppet and use words of showing off and boastfulness. 

Decorating our own crowns.

Talking about palaces while we created some using magnet tiles. 

During our sensory time using molding sand. 

When the king was looking for a new queen all the girls were so excited however Esther was hesitant. 
Mordechai reassured her if she was choosen it was Hashem's plan. 

Esther was so brave by bringing her Mizvahs with her into the palace and remained a brave Jew even while being the new Queen. 

Role playing the Purim story.

Mendy and Eli helped us learn about the Kings evil friend named Haman . He wanted everyone to bow down to him and they were so brave and told him "no we only bow down to Hashem".

Mordechai, told all the Jewish people not to be scared of Haman and his evil plans but to continue to learn Torah. Mordechai, would gather the children to learn Alef beis! We had fun one morning painting Alef Beis.

Friends working together!

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