Pesach unit has begun in our preschool class!
We set the scene with the Jewish people's population was growing since they were having 6 babies at once!
Leah, helped demonstrate how excited she was when she started counting all her babies!
King Paroh did not like how big the Jewish population was getting and he saw in the stars there will be one boy (Moshe) who will become the leader and take them out of Mitzrayim (Egypt)
Nechama, acted out Miriam his sister watching over baby Moshe in the Nile river.
Not only did he survive but ended up in the King's palace when Batya the princess saved him!
He grew up and became such a caring person and did not like the Jewish people being treated so harshly by King Paroh.
Mendy, showing us what it might have sounded like being told to work so hard!
Leah, showed us what Moshe sounded like by offering Yossi his water bottle after working so hard in the hot desert.
Our friends learned the buildings were done on quicksand so whatever they built kept on sinking and it was a very bad feeling working for no cause.
Eli, wanted a turn to be the King Paroh voice but when he saw Mendy struggling he quickly put the King Paroh puppet down and wanted to be like Moshe and help!
Our friends having a fun sensory experience with paint and sand making a desert scene.
Do we have choices ?
After learning about the King not giving any choice it was a great opportunity to talk about when we have a choice and when we don't.
Yossi C, helped us act out when our parents tell us it's bedtime it is not a choice. However, he did get a choice what book he can look at in bed!
Working hard on our Pesach Hagaddahs!
Relaxing with books together.
We love when Morah Chana reads to us in the afternoon!
Having so much fun with the sand after some rainy days!
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