Thursday, March 2, 2023

Purim is in the air!

We finished the Megillah story this week! 
Mendy, creating a palace out of magnet tiles.

Decorating our Megillah covers.

During davening circle is a great time to talk about all the Mitzvahs they do just like Mordechai and Esther! Using siddurim and it was so sweet to see the concentration singing the holy davening songs.

We had boys and girls taking turns being the 'morahs' by dressing up as Mordechai and Esther. When Haman made his not nice decree Mordechai gathered the Jewish children and believed it will be them who save us!
Seeing our friends thousands of  years later sitting at Gan davening the same as back than is inspiring and what the holiday of Purim is all about!

Making puppet shows for our friends.

We learned what graggers are for on Purim! Decorating them with glue and tissue paper.

Filling them up and testing the sound when empty and full.

Haman had a three corner hat and some say pointy ears too! 
We made the traditional yummy three pointer hamantashen and deciding what fillings we want inside.

Thank you Morah Malka for coming and playing music with us. This month of Adar is the happiest month of the Jewish calendar! Music and dancing is the best way to bring out our sillies and smiles.

Dancing balloon fun!

Enjoying some large books during free time.

Fun in the sun!

Our two Shabbat Imas!


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