Friday, April 28, 2023

Rabbi Akiva comes to visit

Lag Ba'omer is coming up in our Jewish calendar. 
There are multiple reasons why we celebrate but this week, we focused on a famous sage, Rabbi Akiva who passed away on this day.
He is famous for starting from no Jewish knowledge at all to becoming a Rabbi to 24,000 students and his legacy continues till today.

Our friends helping Rabbi Akiva learn his Alef Beis letters. 
Mendy, showed letter mem for his name.

We took this opportunity to focus on our Hebrew letter recognition.
Our friends worked hard on their own 'Alef Beis placemat'.
Each letter we decorated it with a word that starts with that letter.
Axel decorating the first letter of 'Alef'.

Nechama, working on a 'Hey'.

Our beautiful Alef Beis mat!
א- 'Ariyeh'- Lion
ב-'Beit'- House
ג- 'Gelida'- Ice Cream
ד- 'Dug'- Fish
ה- 'Har Sinai'- Mount Sinai
ו- 'Varod'- Pink 

Elijah being the Alef Beis pointer during davening circle.

Our bulletin board being created throughout the week. 
Avraham and Leah very focused on making their flowers for the Har Sinai mountain out of egg cartons.

Our Shavous bulletin board made by our friends.

Another theme for our Lag Baomer unit is friendship.
Rabbi Akiva's students made a mistake they loved each other but wanted their friend to think like them.  We learned about real friendship is respecting a different opinion and their choices. 

We demonstrated this by each  child tracing a friends hand and drawing what THEY like.
Avraham, wanted Mendy to draw legos for him. Leah said she likes to play with dolls.

Sweet friend moments.

 Team work at the play dough table.

Thank you Morah Chana, for bringing in books for us to read during quite time.

Sneak peek of our 'Muffins for Mom' craft.

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