Thursday, April 20, 2023

Traveling back in time

What a treat to see all of our friends after a long Pesach break! 
Thank you parents for sending in pictures of your child over the break. It really helps them talk about their experience and some express through their art and bridges that gap of home and school. 

Yossi Freidman panted about his Matzah he ate on Pesach at his Bubby and Zaidy's house. 

We love when our friends are part of the process of getting ready for a new unit. Changing the bulletin board is one of them.

Painting for the next exciting board in our classroom. 

This week we continued where we left off before Pesach. When the Jewish people left Egypt, where did they go? They had no home or place to call theirs.
They walked in the desert following a cloud by day and a fire by night which Hashem sent to guide them to Har Sinai to receive the Torah. 
It was a great sensory experience feeling the sand between our toes. 

.We used this opportunity to talk about transportatio!

Mordy making a train craft. With each method of travel we brought it back to the Jewish people who did not have all these methods but rather they used their feet!

Elijah and Eli, using paint to show his car tracks. 

Nechama, having fun with shaving cream and glue to make the clouds for her airplane project. 

Some of our favorite moments happen outdoors!


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