Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Learning healthy self esteem from a mountain!

Shavous is in the air at Gan!
Each day we are counting up to the special moment of receiving the Torah on Shavous. 

The Torah is a gift from Hashem something that is apparent each day at Gan when we sing about the Torah and give it a big hug. As a Jew, the Torah is the blueprint of our existence and the lessons are timeless. 

Hashem choosing a mountain to give the Torah was a deep lesson for all of us. It is important to feel high like a mountain and have good self confidence but to know it is all from Hashem and keep our humility. This is why Hashem didn't choose the tallest, most widest mountain of the world. 

Our friends creating different types of mountains using pictures' as inspiration.
Yossi, working on a rock mountain and Leah worked on a ice mountain. 

Nechama, adding some lava to her volcano.

Having fun with clay and dome objects to create their own mountains. 

Making it practical, by each child coming up to our 'mountain' and while holding the Torah shared with us what they are proud of about themselves and ending with thanking Hashem for that talent. 
Yossi, shared Hashem made him good at playing with friends. Mendy, shared Hashem gave him a talent in playing baseball.

A mountain show made by our very own friends. 

The mountains came alive with a fun song that showed why Hashem didn't pick them.

Leah, acted out Har Sinai where the Torah was given!

Was cute to see our friends visiting their costumes and coming up with their own shows.

Creating our very own Har Sinai craft.

Hashem added beautiful flowers to the mountain.

Inside the Luchos (tablets) we added a picture of them to feel like Hashem gave the Torah personally to every single one of us!

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