This week we learned about Parshas Chaya Sara.
Finally Avraham and Sara had a baby Yitzchak who grew up and now was time to get married.
Avrham appointed Eliezar his special helper to find a special wife.
Making a camel heading out with Eliezar. Eliezar asked Hashem to show him a sign that if a girl helps him and his 10 camels with water and shows kindness, she will be the right girl.
Camels drink a lot of water! Mendy using his fine motor skills to try to fill up 10 cups of water for the camels.
Rivka was the one who helped and was chosen !
We looked and felt a rose to see the thorns around the beautiful rose. This was like Rivka a beautiful kind girl amongst a family who was like thorns.
Coloring roses.
Mimi, working on her camel project made out of egg cartons.
Yakov, drawing Rivka to go on the camel.
The highlight of this week was the Mock Wedding we had in honor of the first Jewish wedding, Yitzchak and Rivka
Walking around the Chassan 7 times.
Rabbi Jack, doing the Kiddush and helping 'Yitzchak' smash the 'glass. Mazel Tov!
We have been getting ready for 'Donuts for Dad' next week. Leah and Shai using her father's picture to make his portrait for a project we are working on.
Prk Kria
The letter Zayin was introduced and we had fun using black magic paper practicing our letters.
Kindergarten Kria
We started a new vowel of Patach. We call this sound the 'dentist aaa sound' we open our mouth wide to say this sound.
Working on alphabet letter sequencing.
Working on math addition skills.
With our Holy Land in our minds we have been davening extra and thank you Rabbi Lang for coming in to do a rally saying the Torah Pesukim and giving extra Tzedaka in their honor.
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