Chanuka unit 2
After spending a lot of special time in the holy Beis Hamikdash, it was now time to learn the story of Chanuka!
The small children were so brave since the King Antiyochus created laws against the Jewish people. They could not keep Shabbos, have a bris or treat the Torah as holy.
In the cave, Levi and Yossi showed us how they would take out their dreidels to show the Greeks so they wouldn't be in grave trouble.
During circle time we witnessed what happened in the Beis Hamikdash when the Greeks soldiers got to it! They created a big mess and smashed the oil jugs! After spending a couple weeks in our Beis Hamikdash our friends now understood how devastating it was for the Jewish people.
Instead of it getting us down and just being sad we learned how to be brave and trust in Hashem!
After cleaning up the mess, we looked for any oil for the Kohen Gadol to light but we could not find any! It would take 8 days to create more! Our friends did not give up at first Mordy found a little jug but the holy seal from the Kohen which made it Kosher was broken so we could not use it. Finally, Ariella, found one small one!!
We watched as the Kohen Gadol lit the Menorah for seeming just enough for 1 day but it miraculously lasted for 8 days!
Working hard on our frying pan Menorahs! Axel, painting little clay latkas and Mordy decorating the pan.
We can't wait to light them and bring more light into this world!
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