Friday, December 22, 2023

The very best place for a penny!

At first glance stories are just one of may resources we employ to educate our students but the truth is stories have an extra special quality when it comes to education. The power of a story is its ability to convey values and lessons without having to spell them out. It also allows children to draw their own conclusions and emotionally relate to the concept. This week in our 'Book Buddies' unit :
 'The very best place for a Penny'. 

First, we read the book about a penny who finds himself in many different locations till he finds the very best place - Tzedaka box!
We practiced our comprehension skills by trying to sequence the places the penny landed in order.

Hiding coins around the room was a fun way to bring the book to life to try to help them find the Tzedaka box.

Morning centers have been fun using coins for different learning skills.
Axel, catching coins going down ramps and seeing which are the fastest.

Eli and Nechama, categorizing the different coins by looking at the taped coin on top of the Tzedaka box

Can you find coins in the play dough?

Using circle objects to paint the 'coins' on the Tzedaka box.

We love giving Tzedaka!

There is nothing like hot cocoa on a rainy day !

Inside fun on a rainy day! Mordy, offered a ride to Axel.

Making Challah dough together.

 We want to wish a big Mazel Tov to Ayal on his Upshernisht - his very first hair cut and getting a new Kippah and Tzsis. 

We also want to wish a Happy 3rd Birthday to Nechama!


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