Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Delicious Shehakol

Brachas Unit
These next week's we will be learning all about our Brachas- blessings on the foods we eat.
This week we focused on the Bracha of Shehakol- liquids, proteins candy.. There are many different foods in this category. 
With our friends help we graphed different items with the Bracha of Shehakol and voted if it was their taste or not.

Nechama showing  us salmon is the Bracha of Shehakol.

Avraham showing his friends lolly pops and seeing how many friends like them.

Ice cream art using glue and paint.

Practicing our math skills placing 'scoops' of ice cream on cones.

We made a yummy smoothy! Once the fruits become blended it turns into the Bracha of Shehakol.
Eli, chose frozen raspberries to go in our smoothy. 

Mordy, wanted pears and apples to go in!

Making a beautiful bracha together and yumm!

Beading is such a great activity for our finger strength and color recognition. 

Cornstarch and water is the most satisfying feeling!
We brought it outside to continue playing with it!

Beautiful davening and our new friend Chana was our Alef Beis pointer.


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