Friday, February 23, 2024

What are you wearing?

This week's Parsha is Tzavah and we learned all about the clothing the Kohen would wear in the Mishkan.
We started off by talking about our clothing. When talked about the different types of clothing we wear. Sometimes nicer for Shabbos sometimes more casual etc 
The Kohen who worked in the Mishkan wore very special unique clothing to do his job.

Yossi, made what a Kohen and a Kohen Gadol's uniform.

It was such Hashgacha Pratis (divine providence) that the morning Bracha we were up to was 'Malbish Arumim' which talks about our clothing. It was so much more meaningful during our davening circle to talk about our clothing and thank Hashem.

Chaya Leah and Mimi came in one morning with matching outfits, how fun!

Each partical of clothing was so special and filled with meaning. The Ketones (a long shirt) the Kohen would wear was light blue which would remind them of the sky and think about how Hashem is everywhere. Nechama, created a sky image using light blue paint.

Some parts of their clothing was weaved. Chana, practicing her weaving skills.

In this week's Parsha it also talks about the Kitores (spices) and
this was the last thing that was made for the Mishkan.
Morah Hadar, who became Rivka from Israel arrived and showed us all types of different spices.

We practiced using our sense of smell by matching the food item to the picture.

Our class worked hard with Morah Rachel this week on a beautiful Purim backdrop for our bulletin board.

Prk Kria
We learned final nun! 

Kindergarten Kria
We learned the difference between the 'loud Shva' (when it's in the beginning of a word and makes a sound) and the 'quiet Shva' (in middle or end of a word) that only makes the letter sound. Jack finding the two different types in a prayer in the siddur.

We used a stick when making a loud sound and pillow when making a quiet sound to help us remember.

We love when babies come to visit! 


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