Thursday, May 9, 2024

A Week Of Traveling at Gan

After the Holiday of Pesach, we continued the story of what happened the to the Jewish people after they left Mitzrayim?
This is the time period were we count the 'Omer' when we are counting till receiving the Torah on Shavous! The Jewish people were traveling in the desert and were very excited to follow Hashem to their destination.

How did they travel?
During the week, we talked about different transportation methods 
Ayal and Chana, using cars in shaving cream to watch the tracks. Did the Jewish people have cars?

Zalman, creating fluffy clouds where the airplanes go. Did the Jewish people have airplanes?

Magnet tile transportation puzzles were a fun way to learn the different methods of travel.

How did they travel?
They were in the sandy desert. What did that feel like? Taking our shoes and socks off and experiencing it ourselves.

Although the sand felt nice, in the desert the sun was quite hot and there were some dangerous creatures so Hashem protected them with a cloud. We used some fluffy pretend cloud to step on and cover ourselves with. Yossi, saw a poisonous snake on the floor that he was being protected from.

How did they know were they were going?
During the day, Hashem had a moving cloud and at night Ariella showed us a fire that would move for them to follow.

Having fun on our own transportation at Gan.

Creating a outside obstacle for our friends.

Making Challah dough together!

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