Friday, May 17, 2024

Lets stick together!

We have been so excited counting the days till Lag Ba'omer and ultimately the Holiday of Shavous. Forty nine is a big number and putting them in order one morning was a big task!

This week we started learning about Lag Ba'omer and specifically Rabbi Akiva. He was a famous Rabbi who had thousands of students and till this day we learn his teachings. However, he did not start off this way. He was 40 years old when he started learning. Rabbi Muchnik came in and turned into Rabbi Akiva joining as a student as our friends helped him learn the Alef Beis. 

There is one famous story of Rabbi Akiva who saw a rock that had a hole in it from a consistent water flow and a great lesson to never give up. Even though he started his Judaism journey a bit older he worked tremendously hard and created a big impact!
Kfir and Mendy, exploring with water and rocks with holes in them.

Rabbi Akiva's favorite Mitzvah that he is known for is Ahavas Yisroel, loving our fellow Jew. 
We learn a big lesson from trying to break a bunch of sticks together compared to just one. When we stick together and love each other so much can be accomplished!

Rabbi Akiva's students however, did not get along since they each thought their own view and way of thinking was the correct way. We did an experiment by both friends looking through the same scope and describing something completely different. They were BOTH right!

Each friend was invited to draw their point of view in the classroom. Each of their pictures were so uniquely different.

Our friend's worked hard on their own Rabbi Akiva scene for Lag Ba'omer, they came out stunning!

Prk Kria- Learning the letter Reish. Adding the Rabbiem's pictures inside the letter Reish.

Kindergarten Kria- working hard to finish all the vowels before the year ends!

English Academics - Playing a financial literacy game.

Worksheet time! Counting pennies for math!

Muffins for Mom Challah bake!

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