Friday, November 22, 2024

A parsha of miracles


This weeks Torah portion is Chaya Sara. We learned about the first Jewish couple Yitzchak and Rivka. Yitzchak, was Avraham and Sara's child and as soon as he married this special women Rivka the three miracles that happend to sara came back!

1) Their Shabbos candles lasted ALL week!

Fun sensory flames for our Shabbos candle art.

Concentrating on their work.

2) Sara and Rivka's Challah stayed fresh all week. 
During a puppet show, Yocheved Sara showed us what can happen when Challah stays out during the week. We made pretend 'mold' on the Challah. "Eww" our friends knew right away that would not be good to eat.

Challah craft practicing how much glue we need.

Challah sensory and math play. Can you count the dots and place the pretend raisins inside?

Yitzchak and Rivka traveled by camel who needs a lot of water. Tal, using his fine motor skills filling feeding the camels.

3) There was a cloud over their tent representing Hashem's presence was always there.
Making fluffy clouds.

Taking opportunities to practice taking turns and patience as each child was called up and got to pick something special from the Morah.

We learn our best when we are in our frontal lobes. Breathing throughout the day helps us. Zalman, showing us challah breathing.

Yosef and Tal, making their exhale as long as possible.

Celebrating the first Jewish couple by getting ready for a Jewish mock wedding.
First, we made Jewelry that Rivka got in the Parsha and what we can wear as well.

 Fun in the sun together

Since we have been talking about Shabbos candles and Chanuka around the corner where our friends will see a lot of flames, we took this opportunity to practice our fire safety. 

Our class had a fire drill and a special visit from the fire department. 

Thanksgiving art during aftercare.

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