This week in Torah Tots, Parshas Vayeira came to life!
The very first Jewish couple, Avraham and Sara taught the world about who Hashem is. They had a tent with four doors that they would invite all types of people and offer them food and learn to bless Hashem for what we have.
Zalman and Yosef, acted as the guest to show our friends how kind Avraham and Sara were.
Role playing in the tent. The boys had fun trying to balance all types of objects and feeling very proud.
We learned Sara baked Challah just like we do! Using playdough and pictures for inspiration to make our own pretend Challahs.
Using puppets is a great way to bring up some big feeling we have in class and learning tools how to handle them. When our friends are in their frontal lobes during a neutral time that is the best way to learn and practice.
Laughing is the best way to learn!
Taking what we learned about Avraham and Sara and becoming hosts and how to invite guests over.
Our friends, worked really hard on an invitation to invite the Prk/ K class over for yummy cookies we made.
It took confidence to speak in front of our older friends.
Using art to learn about the Parsha. There was a cloud over their tent to show Hashem was always watching over them.
Ayal, showing what he put in their tent! Sara's candles and Challah.
Levi, making a big Shabbos candle and seeing how many he can hold and balance.
Donuts for Dad was a hit!
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