Friday, November 1, 2024

Raining and Rainbows

It was so good to see everyone after the Sukkot break! It was heartwarming to watch our friends reunite and listen to what each of our friends did through pictures they brought from home.

Zalman, telling us about his bus trip and Yossi and Ayal having fun outside together using their imaginations.

Eli and Ariella feed their baby doll together.

Once we got all comfortable and back into the routine of the class we started learning about  Parshat Noach. 
Through acting out and puppet shows we learned how Noach and his wife  were the only decent humans in the world. Hashem gave him a job to build a Teiva (big boat) to stay safe in with the animals during the time of the Mabul (flood).

Eli demonstrated the usage of an umbrella for when it rains. We talked about how during the flood it wouldn’t be so helpful.

Tal enjoying some water play and fine motor skill practice by filling the suction cups with water.

Water beads in our sensory table!

'Water' balls going down the rain gutter.

Noach worked really hard on a three-layered boat. Levi, helped us learn what went  on each floor.

The animals were a big part of Noach's job! Bringing in 7 kosher animals and 2 non-kosher and throughout the time in the Teiva he had to take care of them.
We also take care of our animal in our classroom, our bearded dragon! 
Feeding him worms is a highlight !

Ayal, brought his pet frog from home!

Learning about animals through their foot prints and matching them up to their picture.

Hashem, showed Noach a rainbow when the flood ended teaching us He will never send a flood again and our job now is to fill up the world with light and goodness!

Matching up colored mitzvahs to the rainbow! Using fun blocks to learn our colors.

Morah Rachel, during aftercare teaching us about the colors of the rainbow.

Our friends have been busy working on a beautiful Breishis/ creation bulletin board!

Fun outside in the sandbox! Yocheved Sara and Eli making a soup together.

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