In this week's Parsha Vayetzei, Yakov Avinu is fleeing to Charan. His brother Eisav was so angry that Yakov stole the birthright from him that he had to leave. On his way it was starting to get dark and there were no houses or tents to be found so he had to sleep under the stars. Yakov put 12 rocks around him to protect him form wild animals.
The rocks started to argue! "I want to be next to this Tzadik's head!" Hashem then made a miracle and all the rocks became one big rock and Yakov could finally fall asleep.
In his dream, he saw a tall ladder that went towards heaven
with angels going up and down.
The angels going up were protecting Yakov from Eretz
Israel until now. The ones going down were for future protecting outside of
Israel. Hashem is telling him I am with you and I will protect you!
In his dream, he see a tall ladder that went towards the heaven with angels going up and down. The angels going up, were protecting Yakov from Eretz Yisroel till now. The ones going down were for the future. Hashem was telling him I am with you adn I will protect you!
Nechama creating a ladder that was reaching the sky!
The same spot that Yakov had his dream is the place that eventually become the spot of Beis Hamikdash (the holy temple)! We learned that Beis Hamikdash was Hashem's home and talked about the beautiful mitzvas the kohanim and levim were performing there everyday!
Mordy and Yossi, building the Beis hamikdash!
The Kohen Gadol (high priest) was the one to light the Menorah every day in the Beis Hamikdash.
Mendy, pointing to a Menorah on top of an elephant!
Like in Hashem's home, in our home we light shabbat candles. We learned that the kohanim would bake special bread that's called lechem hapanim, like challah!
Show and Tell from home!
We got to celebrated our "helping hands" moments that we finished on our Noach rainbow bulletin board. Rainbow party!
Dreidel patterns!
Big box = big fun!
Pre-K Kria
Learning the letter Ches for Challah!
K Kria
Finishing up the vowel of tzeire we made a book and practice reading full sentences!
Leah, pointing at the nekudos with a Chanukah candles :)
Using twenty frames for math addition & subtraction problems
Hard at work on our academic Chanuka themed worksheets!
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