Getting ready for Chanukah!
We learned how the small amount of Macabees won against the large Greek army. They were greeted with a big mess in the Beis Hamikdash and after cleaning it they realized there was no oil to light the Menorah. They searched everywhere and eventually found a small jug of oil. Hashem made a big miracle and the oil lasted for 8 night! Enough time to get new oil. Thank you Hashem!
Oil and water experiment. Our little scientists predicted that the little amount of oil was going to rise to the top of the full water cup without mixing!
The oil, representing the Jewish people, floated on top of the water. Hashem tell us it doesn't matter how many you are you will always come up on top!
Jug of oil scavenger hunt!
We used all of our senses with the fresh olive tree branches.
Nechama, noticed her olive looked like a dreidel and had fun watching it spin. 😊
Working on finishing our Chanukah projects!
Pre-K Kria
Chanukah fun!
K Kria
Music nekudos game
We did it!
Working on lego Chanuka creations!
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