Friday, April 12, 2013

Math Mania!

As we explore the concept of "Sefirat Haomer" (counting the days between Passover and Shavuot) we thought it would be a great opportunity for a fun filled MATH WEEK!

On our white board wall we used cut up pool noodles to create an abacus!

I placed a set of boxes on one side of the Abacus.

 This was for the children to choose a number,  by placing a magnetic number in the box. They then had the task of placing the correct amount of pool noodles to equal that number. 

If they got it right, they could give themselves a "Check" on the other side!

BL is placing a check, as she observes her friend placing the correct number of noodles!

 It was such a fun way to learn math and on their own some of the older children requested a board marker to make a check mark next to their friends work! This created a very sweet "game" for the children "test" their friends!

Number/Color Match & Toss Game!

This was great especially for the younger ones to match color and number bean bag in the correct number bucket! (thank you Erin Fields for donating the bucket set!)

The older ones we had them stand on a tape line on the floor and have to toss the right number bean bag.


Number Wheel

The number wheel was a great opportunity to practice counting and fine motor skills by placing the right number cloths pin on the create amount of dots!

Yitzi used a lot of concentration and once completing the task, walked all around the classroom proudly showing his work!



Dice & Other Number Games to enforce Gross Motor development!  

Using a big cardboard dice the child was required to count the dots and hop to the correct number on the floor. Some of the children turned this into a dancing session!

We also put out a collection of little dice for the children to observe, explore...

Supersize Dice Floor Game!

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