Friday, April 12, 2013

Probability turns into creativity! More uses for POOL NOODLES~

I felt like I  hit gold when I bought these a couple months ago! Together with the children, we have explored many different ways  to learn using these fun colorful pool noodles. I am now a firm believer you DO NOT need a pool to have a pool noodle! :) 

(Check out the Math Mania blog post to see how we used them for an abacus!)

After setting up some tracks of pool noodles and placing a bowl of marbles next to the tracks, the children first tried rolling them down different hieghts and then attaching some together to make a longer track! 


We had also saved the long tube from the new rug we got and it added a sense of mystery not seeing the marble while on its way down!

We also added rain gutters to the fun! I wonder which track goes faster? will send the marble further?


This is what we so much enjoy to see.....

That same morning, we had set up on one of the activity tables a set of magna tiles. 

Some of the kids decided instead of chasing after the marbles (which landed all the way down to the library area) they would create a "stopper" (in their language) using the Magna tiles! 

Following their lead... this was a teachable & spontaneous moment that lead us to learning about dams!

Using Magna Tiles the children created a "Stopper" to catch the marbles from traveling far into the Library Corner!

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