Friday, October 16, 2015

Washing the world clean!


After spending a month on the concept of 'being sweet' the children knew exactly what was wrong when we began telling the story of Noach. The people were all being very mean and it was only Noach's family who were acting proper!

Hashem decided to 'wash the world clean'.

Hashem commanded Noach to build a Teiva- Ark . There were three floors:
Top floor- Noach and his wife Na'ama and their three sons
Middle floor- All the animals
Bottom floor- Trash

Through out the week we did puppet shows to bring the story to life.

A great way to review the information is to act it out themselves!

Noach's Teiva coming to life with blocks and animals! It was beautiful to see them work together.

When it fell down, our new friend Levi Yitzchak found some construction worker goggles to do some fix up work!


Animal inspired art

We placed different animals and the corresponding color paints to help the children create their own version of the animals.

Proud of his work.

Noachs Teiva project.

Creating little people to go in the Teiva required concentration and great fine motor skills. (Gluing and then wrapping a small piece of fabric over the wooden peg person.)

Animal beads.

Muka working hard on making a giraffe pattern with orange and yellow beads.


Beautiful lesson from the Rainbow!

After the flood, Hashem showed Noach and his family a beautiful rainbow symbolizing that there will never be a flood of such magnitude again. Now it was the people in the world's job to spread light by doing beautiful Mitzvah's.
Each Mitzvah that we do adds so much beauty to the world, just like a beautiful Rainbow!

Menucha painting her rainbow hat.

Yehudis glued all her colorful Mitzvah notes on her rainbow hat!

Learning our colors and great hand-eye coordination.
Chanie matching the correct color sticker on the big classroom rainbow.

We found a great book in our library that connected to what we have been learning!
Each color had many Mitzvahs!!

Davening on our Rainbow parachute!
So much fun giving each other a ride at the end!

Rain! So refreshing!

Different mediums to create rain.

Child inspired learning!

We pride ourselves in not just giving over our own "prepared curriculum" but also following a child's interest. By noticing what the children are passionate about, we deepen their learning by taking it a step further.
The last few weeks we noticed the passion and love our Levi A.B. had for our vegetable garden. The sheer joy in his face when the tomatoes were ripe....and then the challenge of helping him learn when it was "too early" to pick the carrots and strawberries!!

With this in mind, we brought a bunch of new seedlings and vegetables to plant, in the hope of helping him (and the other kids) learn the timings of when they are ready to be picked, and once again enjoy the "fruits of their labor!"

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