Friday, October 23, 2015

You are a STAR!

Lech Lecha

This weeks Torah portion we learn about a very special person named Avraham. He was the first Jew who discovered that there was a G-d in the world! The amazing thing is, he was three years old when this happened! The average age of the children in our very own class!

Our goal for this week, was to empower our students with this realization, that just as Avraham accomplished so much at age 3- so can each of them! We brought this idea to life, by helping the children recognize ways in which each of them are unique- and how much they can accomplish with their talents!

A great way to start this lesson was a birthday party for our new friend Levi Yizchak ! He turned three this week!

Levi Yizchak proudly kissing his brand new tzizis-- what a beautiful Mitzvah!

Avraham also did lots of Mitzvahs! He was quite bothered by his father serving idols and after a little adventure walk, searching for Hashem.... "maybe the sun, but it went down after the day. Maybe the moon etc..."  He finally figured it out:

Hashem is everywhere and created everything and is IN everything!

Hashem was so proud of Avraham, that he became the very first Jew and Hashem granted him a blessing that the Jewish nation (his children) will be as many as the stars and the sand!

Each of us is a unique and special STAR!

Lilah working with lots of different colors of glitter decorating stars

Dovi enjoying the feeling of the sand and the glitter

Menucha working on a Parsha project

Devorah Leah ever so carefully walking her project to dry

Each child got a chance to be on the star chair as we sang:
Hashem loves you
Hashem loves _______
_____ is so special!
(Tune of  Barney's, "I love you"--please sing it to your child!  ;)

To develop this idea a little further,
While each child was on the chair, we asked them "Why are you special?"
Here are some of the responses we got:

Chanie, "because I am growing and getting big!"
Elilzabeth,  "Devorah Leah, Chani and Levi are my friends!"
DL,  "I like when Elizabeth is my best my friend!"
Dovi, "Muka's my friend!"
Shua, "Cuz Chaya my sister likes me."
Levi Yitzchak, "candies are yummy!"
Lilah- "Because my mom loves me!"
max- "Because I love my Jesse , my little puppy!"

Devorah Leah got so excited when she noticed a star on her dress!

Friends gathering around and discussing it!

Various fun activities to build pre-writing skills.

Levi finding the right nut and screw

Menucha strengthening her fingers by squeezing tweezers and placing pom poms in the tiny spots.

Aron balancing marbles on bath mat /suction cups


Levi working hard at removing shapes from a squiggly straw

Little legos are a great way to build engineering and math skills.

Max enjoyed adding pieces to a big airplane

Elizabeth being creative and combining two different trays! the nuts on the straw!

Shabbat Shalom!

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