Thursday, March 10, 2016

Is Hashem in the King's palace?

 After a week of living peacefully in our "Mordechai & Esther's Jewish Home" the stage was set to begin the Purim Story! (Megillah)

We created an additional center in our classroom:

King Achashverosh's palace!

In contrast to the Jewish home, this was more focused on dresses, glamour, jewels and mirrors.
There was definitely a contrasting atmosphere between the two centers. 
Which is what the Jewish people  would have experienced upon attending the Kings feast in his palace!  We wanted the children to feel the difference between the flashy showy palace and the Mitzvah filled home of Mordechai and Esther.

Shua playing the King role quite seriously ;)
We posted Palace pictures from different parts of the world for inspiration.
Decorating crowns with sparkling gems.
Inside the palace we created a center for the BIG feast that King Acheshveirosh would have, to show off all his wealth.
 Now our class really understood after living in our "Jewish home" center for a week, the difference of how Mordechai treated them and how the King was treating them.

It was fascinating to watch the Jewish items slowly make its way to the palace !
They truly felt the difference and wanted to make the change!
Notice the siddurim on the feast table ;)

 During snack time we moved our tables into the palace and discussed the atmosphere of what the kings feast might have felt like .

Max always loves to make us smile even when he's playing king ! 

Hashem is IN the palace
Queen Vashti was not a nice queen, and the King needed a new queen!
King Motty picking a new queen!

Would Esther be running to try out to be queen?
The children knew right away where Esther would be more comfortable!
What should she do? She was summoned to the palace?
This was the powerful lesson we learned this week- Even when we find ourselves in a hard situation Hashem is ALWAYS with us!
Mordechai reassured Esther - Hashem will be with you even IN the palace!

Deep lessons become practical in our class ..
During snack time, Levi was thinking about the lesson he just learned.
"Morah at night when it is dark in my room is Hashem still with me?"
We all learned from Levi in that moment, yes when it is dark and when we are in a situation where we are afraid, Hashem is still with us!


Lilah heading to the palace :)

Wicked Haman brings out the lesson as well!
Haman was a very mean friend of King Acheshverosh and thought very highly of himself. He made a new rule for everyone to bow down to him.
During Circle time, when we daven to Hashem haman came to each of them and said
"bow down to me!"
They all knew the answer to that one:) and for some who had a worried expression on their face the other children chimed in "Hashem is with you!"
This is what inspires us as educators, while learning our History and the miracle of Purim the children walk away with the 'Big idea' and lessons for life!!

Levi Yitzchak hugging his baby so she wouldn't be scared of Haman!

Dovi playing the Mordechai role and leading davening circle.

Haman was quite upset that Mordechai would not bow down to him and wanted to hurt the Jews.

Mordechai's reaction? Gather the children and daven with them!
We role played that during our circle time!
Some children spoke up and said "lets hit Haman he's bad!" This was a great opportunity to learn how to respond to someone who is not doing the right thing! How can WE model the right behavior?

Holding their baby dolls and singing the Alef beis.

Left over puddles from the rain become fun art on the ground!

Challah dough fun!


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