Thursday, March 3, 2016

Purim characters come to life!


Mordechai and Esther

Jewish Holidays are a special time for us to instill life lessons in our students. Purim is around the corner and we will soon be reading from the Megillah.
As an introduction to the story of Purim and the miracle that took place, we first wanted the children to really feel connected to the two hero's of the story: Mordechai and Esther, and to most importantly view them as role models for their own lives.

Mordechai the leader of the Jewish people at that time, was also a 'Rebbe' (teacher) of small children and would teach them Torah!
Esther a modest Jewish woman who filled her day with many mitzvahs, would play a very important role in saving the Jewish nation from harm.
How powerful for the children to really get to know them and feel empowered that THEY can be just as great as them, thousands of years later!

Mordechai & Esther's Jewish home

Our dramatic play center turned into "Mordechai & Esther's  Jewish home." We filled their home with items that might have been found if we went back in time and were invited by Mordechai and Esther themselves. Lots of Judaica, Shabbat supplies: candles, challah, flowers... 

Mordechai & Esther right by the entrance to welcome them :)
Feeling right at home playing with Shabbos items.
We take these items out every Friday at school. However, this week we had them available all week, this created the opportunity for us to discuss what Shabbos might have been like in Mordechai and Esther's home. It was so relevant and timeless.  

Guests coming and giving Tzedaka (charity) before they ate their meal.

Muka, just like Esther lighting the Shabbos candles!


"Mini  Gan"

Being that Mordechai taught the Jewish Children Torah....we made a miniature "Gan" classroom, as an extension of Mordechai & Esther's Jewish home!
It included a circle time center for the children to role play teaching children Torah.

Shua Pointing the alef beis for his students.


Mordechai and Esther loved doing Mitzvah and teaching others to do Mitzvahs.
We placed a miniature 'Mitzvah Tree' for the children to document their mitzvahs or their 'doll students' and proudly hang it on the Mini Gan's tree. 

Muka writing her baby's mitzvah note.

Very quiet students ;)

Dovi role playing Mordechai and handing out the Tzedakah coins.

Devorah Leah the mommy reassuring her baby she'll be back to pick her up.

Mitzvah notes get extra recognition from Mordechai and Esther this week!
Every day by snack time when we read each childs special mitzvah note written by their parent their face lights up! This week Mordechai read the boys mitzvah notes and Esther read the girls!


On a 'Mitzvah high'! 

Each child drew  a picture of a Mitzvah they love to do and got to share it with their friends. Mordechai and Esther  have become a big part of our week so we took them a long for the journey.

Elizabeth while holding Esther, "I love to make babies happy and give them a bottle"

Devorah Leah, "giving Tzedakah"

Shua, " Making Aron my friend happy."

Max doing a big mitzvah and sharing his mini trains with his friends. "just like Mordechai!"

Thank you to Menucha's bubby Randee for helping us out in our classroom this week! The children had a lot of fun singing all types of interactive songs!


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