Thursday, March 9, 2017

A SMALL toy, BIG lesson!

Purim is in the air!

Castle Megillahs

Each child was invited to paint their own castles and create the main characters in the Purim story to go inside.


We learned when we hear Haman's name we make a lot of noise with graggers! The children got to pick their own container , decorate and fill it. 
Some children enjoyed creating them outdoors.

Drama in the palace continues..

Shalach Manos- food gift basket

On Purim we give at least two different foods to another Jewish person . Such a tremendous lesson to be thinking of others. Creating their basket was a great fine motor skill activity as the children were invited to cut their own ribbon and weave it just the way they wanted it.

Mordechai and Esther moments
It has been amazing to watch the children be so sweet with one another just like our Purim role models, Mordechai and Esther.
Yisroel was trying to bring a tire to the other side of the play ground. We noticed Levi Yizchak join him and then remarked, "I got this, you can call me for help." and the proceeded to bring it on his own to the grass area.

Mimi helping Menachem maneuver his car through a tight spot.
Max and Levi enjoying their walk to the field together. 

Making the dough together! Problem solving to get the right consistency.

Learning shapes as we made circles that turned into triangles!

 Graphing Hamentashen fillings
With three flavors to choose from (chocolate, strawberry and apricot) each child and Morah documented what they wanted in their hamentashen!

A SMALL toy with a BIG lesson

Why do we get dressed up on Purim? After some guesses it was time to learn a life lesson together.
We had come accross these small Winnie the poo toys; each one had a different 'costume' that was removable. The children could see how all the bears were the same inside.

While Haman's decree of hurting the Jewish people (G-d forbid) was active it seemed like Hashem was HIDING like in a costume. Rozie helped demonstrate this by dressing up as a bee. Is she now a bee or is it still Rozie? The children were starting to connect the dots.
Even when it seemed bad Hashem is ALWAYS there and that never changes!

The conversation that followed was so inspiring. It was time for the Morahs to learn!
Levi, "Hashem is invisible He's not hiding He's always there!" 
Dovi, "Hashem is not a person He is always there for us!" 
Wow!! For our precious children , this concept is so much more real and obvious that Hashem is always there and never leaves our side! It was a powerful lesson for our entire class!

Each child got to choose a dressed up little bear which will help trigger a big lesson.

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