Friday, March 3, 2017

Which Purim Hero's did we focus on?

Jewish Holidays are a golden opportunity for us to instill life lessons in our students...

 This week we learned the story of the Megillah. Before introducing the King and palace we wanted the children to connect to the Jewish hero's, Mordechai and Esther. Our main goal was to have the children connect to them and see them as role models who always believed in Hashem when it seemed so dark.


 The dramatic play house filled with familiar mitzvahs. Jewish books, Tzedaka, Shabbos Candles, Challah, Torahs. They were just like Mordechai and Esther!

 We placed pictures of them doing mitzvahs in the Jewish home!

A ritual everyday turns into a lesson

Everyday we read their Mitzvah notes written by their parents. Each child gets to feel so special to hear what they did and it empowers them to want to do more Mitzvahs.

While reading them one morning we decided to include Mordechai and Esther.
Ava and Evan placed their mitzvah notes on the entrance of the Jewish home.

Challah Center

Pictures documenting the process how to make challah encouraged the children's independence to learn how to braid.  

Stuffed knee highs was a fun way to practice the three braid before trying it on dough!

Levi Yitzchak glazing his challah with 'egg'.  "It's all ready for the oven!"

Yisroel found a Megillah to read!

Bela Riva and Yisroel role playing Mordechai and Esther and leading the songs at our davening circle.

Mitzvahs everywhere!

Documenting their own Mitzvahs that they love to do at the art table.

Evan finding the coins in his play dough and doing a mitzvah!

Now that the children connected to Mordechai and Esther and realized how special they were just like them we set up the Palace center.
The King Achashverosh who loved to show off and boast was now looking for a new Queen after getting rid of Vashti.
All the beautiful girls were excited to see if they were the right fit but Esther was hesitant.
She didn't want to live in a palace.
The children knew exactly why after spending time in the Jewish home!
What a powerful lesson, what are true riches and glory?

Role playing the feast of King Achashverosh. We discussed his motive of wanting to show off  and how we should act when we host our friends.

Queens making scepters.  

Creating Castles out of magna tiles.
We placed different castles from all over the world for inspiration!

Thank you Morah Elinor for bringing the Purim spirit by using your face painting talent!

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