Thursday, September 14, 2017

Crying in our classroom teaches us a lesson! Video included :)

Sweetness in action

This week we continued talking about what it means to want a "SWEET new year?"

 The children now know what the honey on Rosh Hashana represents. We want a year filled with mitzvahs, sweet actions and only good!
We had many opportunities to use our 'sweet board' for the children to document their sweet actions!

Bela Riva and Saige documenting their sweetness to each other. "We played so nicely and shared!"

Evan worked hard building a tower for Mendel and got to draw what he made as well.

Ari and Motty getting ready for Rosh Hashanah by sampling some honey;)

Faiga drawing her sweet mitzvah of loving her whole family.

The cry of the Shofar

Why do we blow the shofar? What does it sound like? These are some of the questions we asked the children. 
We first set up a baby center. This was a great opportunity to play the role of a loving parent. Recording of baby crying sounds helped the children understand the babies were communicating something and they had to come up with a solution how they can help. 

We then introduced the shofar sound. How similar the crying of a baby and the shofar sounded!
Hashem is our parent and takes care of us. When we are blowing the shofar we are communicating to Hashem who will respond to us lovingly.

Mendel blew the shofar alongside the recording of a shofar blow. 
Bela Riva drawing a shofar and learning that it comes from a ram.

The three different sounds of the shofar were played on the recording but for a  visual experience we  placed tape and blocks to differentiate the sounds.
A long sound- Tekia, three medium sounds- shevarim, nine short ones- Teruah.

Play dough and black buttons was a fun way to invite the children to make round challah and raisins!

Rosh Hashanah music with Morah Malka!

Moshe helped stamp our Shana Tova cards that will be sent to their homes and grandparents!

Fine motor skills and math skills with apples!

Watch this sweet video of the children singing a Rosh Hashanah song!

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