Friday, September 8, 2017

First Week of Kindergarten

Welcome to kindergarten!


Our first week back was filled with a lot of learning.

We started our day with learning about the special month we are in; the month of Elul. We learned that this month Hashem is so close to us. During this month, Hashem gives us an opportunity to fix our mistakes  by doing "Teshuva," (asking for forgiveness),  "Tefillah"  (Davening/prayer to Hashem) and "Tzedakah" (charity)  ! All of those things are tools to immediately fix our mistakes!

To make these tools practical:

Teshuva- King in the Field.

Dressing up as a King, the children heard a story about a King who is always in his palace and unreachable to the regular people on a regular day. But during the month of Elul, its like the King came out of his palace, and is inviting all the different types of people to talk to him and be close to him. (Usually only his special ministers and guards get to speak to him)

We set up a "King in the field" center, where the kids were invited to place a footprint describing their mitzvas, and by every footstep we get closer to the king.

The king puppet was on one side of the field, and their Mitzvah footprints are working their way accross! Each day we are adding more!

Tefilah: Mini Shule Center

We spoke about the Shule, and how its a special place to daven/pray to Hashem. We also spoke about the fact that when we are davening, we are actually talking to Hashem, and we can ask Him for whatever we need. 

Introduction to Alef Beis

Playdough letters

Alef Beis Bingo Game


Our Kindergartners were so excited to begin their first math lesson!
We spoke about the importance of numbers, counting, writing numbers.

We did some written activity sheets, to evaluate where each child was at in math. 

We counted up as well as backwards using beads. 

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