Thursday, October 26, 2017

Do you know why the leaves change colors?

Discovery fall center

The children were invited to take a closer look at different fall items.
Ari and Shayna enjoyed playing with acorns and finding the right size 'hat'.

 Science experiment 

Why do leaves change colors?
We asked the children why THEY think the leaves change colors.

Menachem: "The wind makes the leaves change colors."
Evan: "When the leaves touch the floor it makes it turn different colors."
Moshe: "Because they fall off."

Moshe showing his friends a leaf that had beautiful fall colors.

A science experiment helped us understand why the leaves change colors. 

Chlorophyll which causes the leaf to be green is so dominant it covers up the other colors in the leaf. During the fall this chlorophyll breaks down and now the other colors are visible!

Rubbing alcohol helped separate the colors inside the leaf.

After placing the glass jar in hot water (energy)  we placed a strip of a coffee filter and saw different colors that had evaporated on it!

Art- Bringing fall inside

The children were invited to gather leaves from their own backyards! We used them to create artistic leaf prints.

Beading branches!

Ari helping us make fall scented play dough! We added some cinnamon, nutmeg and allspice to intrigue their senses.

 Shayna proudly showing her friends the sticks she found outside her house. 

Morah Malka teaching us fall songs!

Enjoying 'painting' with water on the hot days!

Spending time with our bearded dragons.

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