Thursday, November 2, 2017

Being a gracious host & guest

This weeks Torah portion of Vayera is about the very first Jewish couple, Avraham and Sara. Our big idea this week was to learn from them how they loved and welcomed guests into their tent and served them with respect and love.

Our dramatic play center turned into Avraham and Sara's tent. Their tent had four openings and a cloud on top representing Hashem presence was always there.

Motty "Why did they have to have four doors? Why couldn't the guests come from one door?"
Dovi "Because if there were a lot of guests it would be too long to wait by one door" :) 

Enjoying each other's company inside the tent.


Ari and Mina making food for guests.

Motty and Rozie role playing Avraham and Sara. We learned that Sara's Shabbos candles miraculously lasted all week! (Right before the next Friday night they would go out so she can do the Mitzvah again!)

 Menachem working hard writing his name on his Candle project. Dovi creating a Shabbos candle holder for one of his sisters who do the mitzvah on Friday night!

Another special miracle that happened to Avraham and Sara was that the challah stayed fresh and soft all week!
We placed a challah on our shelf this week and felt it to see what would happened to this soft challah. This was a hands-on way for the children to appreciate Sara's special challah.

Guests are coming!

After all this talk about guests it was time to put our knowledge to practical use! Our class worked hard together to create an invitation for the Kindergarten to join us in OUR classroom tent for a treat!

The Kindergarten loved this idea too;)

Making cookies for our guests. Mendel checking to see if our eggs were kosher and didn't have any blood spots. Motty learning how to use two spoons to make portion sized cookies.

 Our guests get first! It was so much fun for all of us to gather inside the tent eating cookies and talking about guests they sometimes have in their homes.

 Evan and Moshe blowing little pom pom 'people' into the four door tent cups!

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