Friday, November 17, 2017

Which voice will you listen to? KINDERGARTEN class!

Parshat Toldot

In this weeks parsha we learned the story Yitzchak and Rivka being blessed with the birth of twin boys Yakov and Eisav. They were very different right from the start. Eisav the firstborn was very red and hairy, and Yakov was not. They also made very different choices in how they lived their life. Yakov loved learning Torah and doing Mitzvos, Eisav loved playing in the fields and hunting. Once Eisav grew up, Hashem caused Yitzchak to lose his eyesight so then he wouldn't be able to see the bad things Eisav was doing. 

The Torah teaches that Yakov and Eisav reflect the 2 voices we have inside each of us. Our job us to listen to these voices, and figure out which voice is telling us what!

Which voice will you listen to?

We made Yakov and Eisav bracelets to remind us which voice to follow.

All of our friends made sure to act like Yakov . 
When Morah saw a student acting like Yakov they got a sticker to add to their bracelet.

Our words are powerful!

Hashem didnt want to say Lashon Hara (bad language/gossip) about Eisav to Yitzchak so Hashem made Yitzchak become blind. This teaches us an important lesson on how we should judge people.

 Morah Davina showed us this picture of two plants.
Every day the owners would speak to them, one nicely and one not nicely.

There is such a big difference between them!

We learnt how Yitzchak dug wells and the children got so excited they decided to dig a well of their own !

Alef Bais Capit 

This week we began putting the sounds of the letters together to actually READ WORDS!

Each sound or letter is a building block of reading. So we can already sound out a couple words!

Interactive Learning!

This sweet video showcases learning a new letter. 
The combination of song, visual, reading and writing, make each new letter exciting for all our different types of learners.

Playing games help the new sound really be processed and sink in.

We also started to focus on hebrew names this week. 
Yisroel practices the letters of his name on the whiteboard.

At the end of the day, we went around and each said our favorite thing we learned that day.
Elizabeth said, " I love learning to read!"

Scientists at Work

This week we learned about Producers and Consumers.
Plants are called producers. This is because they produce their own food! They do this by using light energy from the sun, and water from the soil to produce food. Animals are called consumers. This is because they cannot make their own food. So they need to consume (eat) plants or animals.

We experimented on some producers in our classroom!

We filled up three vases with water and added a different food coloring to each one.  

We then hypothesized what would happen to the flowers in each of the different vases of water.
Then we waited ...
Lo and Behold, the flowers started changing colors!
 It was using the water and changing colors! 

Fish for our classroom

Morah Davina surprised us with five little fish. Our kinder are so excited to learn how to take care of the fish! Through feeding the fish the children experienced consumers.

Thank you Morah Davina!

Let us know if you would like to contribute by buying food or filters.

Math Mastery

Elizabeth and Levi Yitzchak put the right amount of buttons on the shirt.

We all worked together to make a smiley face,
 then we counted how many buttons were in it.

Number Bingo assists in number recognition.
Max had three 11s!"

Muka and Elizabeth show us the different ways to make 4

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