Friday, December 1, 2017

A special 2000 year old home!

  Chanuka Unit

As a foundation to the Chanuka story we explored what life was like for the Jewish people in Israel before the harsh challenges they faced from king Antiyochus.
Life was beautiful, inspiring and filled with awe especially in the Holy Temple. People from all over came to witness Hashem's miracles and the beauty of all the keilim (vessels)
We are still waiting for the third and final Temple to be built and since we don't have that experience yet we wanted to make as realistic as we could for our class.

What was the Beis Hamikdash? (Temple)

The Beis Hamikdash was Hashem's special home for his glory to be revealed in this world. 
We started off by showing some of our friends homes and watching their reactions when they recognized their own. We love our home, we feel comfortable and can be ourselves.

We offered different ways to express their love for their home and family.

Some friends documented on the easel for their friends to learn more about their own home.

Mendel and Ari painting their homes.

Dovi and Evan using magna tiles and tape to create their home. 
Faiga using water and chalk outdoors.

Beis Hamikdash Center

Building on the children's innate love for their home and understanding of what a "home" is the children were now ready to learn more about Hashem's home. 

The Kohanim (priests) had a lot of important jobs in the Beis Hamikdash. One of which was to light up the golden Menorah everyday! We placed pictures on the mirror of the special clothing they would wear and costumes to get into role. 

Bela Riva noticing the Koheins special hat just like she was wearing.

Moshe role playing the  Kohen washing his hands by the Kiyor (wash basin) before working in the Beis Hamikdash.

The Menorah

Every day the special golden Menorah was lit in the Beis Hamikdash for all to see. How did they light it and what did they use?
After telling the children olive oil we asked "Where did they get it from?". The reply was unanimous "At the store!". 

This was a great opportunity to learn about the long process the Jewish people had to go through to make the oil for the Menorah and will help them understand the miracle of Chanuka. 

Dovi brought in branches with olives on it from his backyard!
 Learning the process through picture sequencing and Menachem showing us crushing the olives to create olive oil. 

 How much oil can we get?
 After all of our friends helped crush many olives and Saige helped squeeze the drops of oil into a jug  the children realized how little was coming out! 
"Wow! They needed a lot of olives and worked SO hard!"

 Lighting the Menorah was a highlight this week!

The Jugs had special seals on them just like in the real Beis Hamikdash.

Giving Bikurim

There was a special Mitzvah called "Bikurim" that the Jewish people would observe during the Beis Hamikdash times. They brought the first fruits from their trees, to give as a gift to the Kohanim.
We placed fruits on a tree for the children to pick. 
 Bela Riva role playing how they would balance it on their heads on the way to the Beis Hamikdash.
After mina lit the Menorah her friends brought a basket of fruit to say 'thank you'!

Saige and Ari 'tasting' the Lechem hapanim which was the 12 challahs the Kohanim ate from as well.

The Aron Kodesh was the holiest of all vessels. It contained the Torah we got by Mount Sinai.

While we sang Torah songs during circle time, Saige and Evan brought the Aron Kodesh !

It has been such a special week talking about our Jewish History and the gift of the holy Beis Hamkidash as well as looking forward to the next and final one!!
Each good deed we do helps bring the Beis Hamikdash.

Watch the children dance in our center asking Hashem to send the REAL one!

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