Friday, December 1, 2017

Parshat Vayishlach: Choosing Our Words With Care

In this weeks parsha, Yaakov travels with his family back to his birthplace.
Yaakov decided to send messengers to speak to Eisav and give him gifts. But when Eisav heard that Yaakov was coming, he gathered 400 soldiers and planned to attack him.

When Yaakov heard that Esav was coming to attack him, he decided to problem solve to find a solution. He came up with a few different ways to deal with the challenge.

 1. He davened 2. He split his family,servants and belongings into 2 camps. 3. He sent gifts to Eisav to try and appease him.

*In our class, we also tried to problem solve, can you think of more than one way to do it?*

Thank G-d when they finally met, they were able to make peace... kind of...
.- ask your child for more details!!!

Eisav asked to travel with Yakov, but Yakov didnt want Esav to change his mind, so he chose his words carefully and said " I am very slow and I have a lot of people with me, you go on ahead," That way he wouldn't offend Eisav.

We practice this every day in school! Sometimes a friend may have a snack or lunch that I don't like!

* Ask your child. What should you say?

Even though he had already split his family, when he realized he had left a few jars behind, Yakov went back to get them.

We practiced taking care of our belongings. When markers rolled under the table outside, Menucha made sure to pick them up and put the lids back on so they wouldn't dry out.

Below she proudly displays her Kever Rochel.

Rachel passed away giving birth to Binyomin and was buried by the road called Beis Lechem. Hashem told Yakov to bury Rachel there, so that when the Jewish people would be taken into Golus (exile) they will pass by her kever (burial place). Then Rochel will cry to Hashem to have mercy on her children, and Hashem will promise that they will come back to Eretz Yisroel in her merit.

Getting Ready For Chanukah

In the beginning of this week we watched a video about how olive oil is made. It was so interesting to see how the olives were crushed and turned into oil.

"Can we watch it again Morah Avigayil!!"- Everyone, the entire week

We began our Chanukah unit by learning about the Bais Hamikdash- Hashem's home!

Elizabeth, Menucha and Levi Yitzchak set up a house with furniture to make it comfortable.

What makes Hashem comfortable in a house?

(Torah and Mitzvot)

The Gan Class graciously invited us to visit their Bais Hamikdash!

The Bais Hamikdash was Hashem's House, the ultimate place to learn Torah and do Mitzvos.

We saw the golden Menorah and the Aron Kodesh- where the Torah was kept. We made sure to be respectful and leave everything the way we found it.

Language Arts

We practiced putting words together and separating the sounds of each letter.

We call it ungluing and gluing.

For example: "dd" "o" "tt" - unglued

d+o+t = dot

Levi Yitzchak wrote down the glued words on his whiteboard

Morah Davina and Yisroel had a lot of fun working on fine motor skills.

We also practiced letter recognition and words in this way.

Social Studies Snapshot

Muka sorts different items into envelopes labeled Needs and Wants.

Getting bigger means we can really understand the difference.

We are growing sprouts!!Trying our Sprouted Beans
from our Science Corner!

Day 1- They were hard and didnt taste very good.

Day 2- They were soft, some friends liked the taste, other friends gave their beans away to the garbage can

Day 3- We can see sprouts coming out of our beans!

We are also trying to grow Avocado plants, but that is going to take much longer.

Muka can hardly wait!

Mathematics- If it Can't Even, Then it's Odd

Even if a number is huge, you can tell if it's even or odd by the last digit.

The biggest number we looked at was 2,097!!

The last digit is 7.

*Ask your child if it's even or odd?

We use the buddy system to count it out.

Max places a number on the chart, made.

An even number has a buddy, but an odd number is all alone.

We started learning about different 3D shapes

We knew one shape right away! The cone!

It looks like an ice cream cone.

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