Friday, May 4, 2018

Lag BaOmer - Ahavas Yisroel

Learning the story of Rabbi Akiva

We learned all about Rabbi Akiva and his Talmidim (students). We acted out the story with little playmobile people, it was very exciting.  
Rabbi Akiva was a shepherd before he started to learn Torah. He started to learn the Alef Bais and how to read when he was 40 years old. The children were shocked because they already know how to read at age 5 or 6!

Here we our counting to 40. The children saw how 40 is an old age to start learning the Alef Bais.

Morah Malka explained to the children that its never to late to start learning anything!

 The children took home a special bracelet to help them recall and tell the story in order.

One of the main lessons we learn from the story of Rabbi Akiva is to have Ahavas Yisrael (love for every person.)

The lesson of the story  

We enjoyed several activities this week that helped the children experience the power of unity, friendship and staying together vs  being pushed aside and staying alone.

Devorah Leah is showing us how its so easy to break the stick when its alone.  

Menucha and Max are showing us how hard it is to break a bunch of sticks together. 

When we are together (as friends) nothing could break us, we are much stronger!!

Activities for Lag BaOmer 

On the day of Lag BaOmer we went to the park. We played a special game to practice Ahavas Yisroel. Each child was given 8 puzzle pieces. Each piece belonged to another child's puzzle. The children had to exchange pieces to create their own puzzle. The children worked together with lots of Ahavas Yisroel and they help each other create their puzzle. 

Each puzzle had a letter on it. Together they spelled out Ahavas Yisroel.

Every morning we recite the "pasuk" (verse from the Torah)  "I take upon myself to fulfill the Mitzvah to love a fellow Jew just as I love myself". 

Elizabeth is working so beautifully on her Lag BaOmer project. 

Each child was given an odd looking picture to color in. At first the children didn't know why they were drawing a strange picture. But when the children put all their pictures together they saw how beautiful the full picture was. We spoke about how beautiful it is when the puzzle is complete and how we need each and every one of our class mates in our class. If one piece of the puzzle went missing it wouldn't be the same!     

Practicing Vowels

This week we had a vowel hunt. The children were so excited to go around the class and look for words and count vowels in them. 

Syllables and Music class

This week Morah Malka came to the class and asked us to clap our hands to the amount of syllables in each of our names. We had a lot of fun discovering how many syllables each child has in their name. 

Morah Malka read us our favorite book, Dr. Seuss. 

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