Friday, May 4, 2018

Lag B'omer, there is ALWAYS a reason!

Friendship and Lag B'omer

This week we continued learning about Lag B'omer and we focused on Rabbi Akiva. One of his famous teachings is that Ahavas Yisroel - loving a fellow Jew is the foundation of the entire Torah!
Many centers and circle times encouraged team work and sensitivity towards others.

Each child created a pedal for or flower and said what they think a friend is.

Playing pass the ice cream game which each child had to carefully drop the 'ball of ice cream' into their friends cone. 

A beading center where there was only one tray naturally helped the children practice turn taking and compromising.

Mina and Batya creating marble art.

Creative group art

We placed a table upside down and surrounded it with saran wrap. This was a unique medium for the children to express their art.  Mendel was excited he mixed colors and created purple. Evan was eager to share he created a sunset scene.

 Rozie learned how to hold a palette.

 Friendship moments happen a lot in our class with our everyday encouragement to be kind and respectful to one another. We got a new circle time rug this week and it was sweet to watch mina and Motty work together for quite some time cutting off all the plastic and taking turns holding the scissors.


Torah Tots, Torah Tots who do YOU see?

This week we worked really hard together to create a friendship book. Each child created their profile picture. This was fun for them to practice reading and see their friends pictures.

Friendship science

Moshe squirting red colored vinegar on a heart shape with baking soda on it. This was a fun way to create a reaction while getting a reaction from friends!

Personalized projects

The children were invited to practice their cutting skills by finding their name and cutting on the lines and designs that were on their heart picture. Being a multi-age classroom we created the lines according to their level.

The younger ones worked on cutting little lines all around the heart while the older ones had to cut on more challenging lines.

 "Everything Hashem does is for the good."

This week we learned about a story with Rabbi Akiva. He was once traveling on his donkey and needed to find a place to stay and was sent away by all the people in the city. He had to stay over night in the forest. A lion scared away his donkey and a cat scared his rooster and a wind blew out his candle. He could of understandably been quite upset and discouraged. However, he knew Hashem had a Reason for these challenging events. 
It turned out that robbers came and robbed the people of that city. He was saved since he didn't have anything with that would give away where he was.

This became a practical lesson in our classroom and for life. When things don't go well or how we planned, there is ALWAYS a reason.

Hannah put it into practice right away! She really wanted to be Tzedakah helper but was not chosen. We over heard her tell Mendel. "That's okay maybe tomorrow." She later got to be the Sefiras haomer counter. 

Trip to the park in honor of Lag B'omer!

Happy 3rd Birthday Mina! Happy 4th Birthday Menachem!

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